Middle East Here I Come! - A Record of Getting My First Offshore Hitch

So it all started about four months ago...

After being forced to dive a yet in another backwater town, for yet another useless government survey contract, I finally made up my mind. I've had enough! No more looking for invisible Sturgeon eggs in black water, no more measuring cracks in bedrock. I got into this business for the variety of work and I just wasn't getting it diving in lakes.

I wasn't sure what my next step would be, but I really wanted to get offshore and I wanted to be there now! I remembered from dive school that I needed my BOSIET. Only problem is... there are no OPITO certified organizations in Canada. Eventually I found one somewhat nearby(the U.S.).

So I figure I'm all set to go. I have my certificates and the company wants to send me to work. Then they tell me about the MOHA. Oh how I hate those four letters! It was a simple enough group of forms to fill out by themselves, but now I needed a medical. Another setback. But at least I could get this one done quickly!

I send everything in, and the waiting began. Every other day I would check my email for some type of feedback, anything at all. Nothing. Then one day a lone email. So finally after a grueling month and a half wait for my MOHA to process I get word that I am finally eligible to work offshore near India! I couldn't be happier! Now to find out which vessel they are putting me on, and negotiate a dive rate and length of contract. Sounds like fun!

Now I hear that getting your first offshore gig is usually pretty difficult, but in my opinion, doing the paper work is harder!


Everett Chadney

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Comment by Douglas Macneill Rutherford on July 9, 2009 at 8:53pm
So How did the job go?
Comment by Francois van der Merwe on April 19, 2009 at 6:35am
It looks like your guys are lucky to get the jobs we in South Africa are strugling to get something we have done the course finished it and know we sending email ask just to give as a change to earn some money but I will not give up because I have met a lot of good divers up to know and made some good friends
Comment by Svetozar Nikolov on March 11, 2009 at 11:18am
Hi Everett,

I have pretty similar story to tell the only difference is ,that I am still waiting for that first job offshore.I have been working on Dam's ,Lakes ,rivers..did some offshore in the Black Sea (but that's not recognisable in the real world) and some cable landings and burial here and there but that's not enough.I need to get offshore for real and that's what I am determined to do hopefully very soon, If you have suggestions I'll appreciate all of them :)

wish me luck

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