Analox Alternative A-Z of Commercial Diving – F is for………..

Feet of Sea Water (FSW)


feet of sea water Analox Alternative A Z of Commercial Diving F is for...........

4 Feet of Sea Water


I was pretty rubbish at Maths in school despite giving 101% effort.  When this made no difference to my results my mum paid for extra tuition for me.  The problem was that I was 14 years old and the tutor was rather attractive.  As she tried to explain long division to me all I thought about was multiplication.

math teacher Analox Alternative A Z of Commercial Diving F is for...........

Despite the tache and Dennis Taylor gla**** there was a certain tenderness in the eyes of Miss Jones as she tried to explain to the world what X was equal to......


I then tried copying my friend Ste’s homework – my results improved………….until the exams.  Oh dear……………re-sits.  I eventually got a B.

My attitude, shared by others who struggled in this class was one of “when will you ever need to use any of this in real life?!?!!”  Well, the fact is, I now have to use it daily and with the help of a calculator, the internet and Microsoft Excel, I get by.

There is quite a lot of maths in diving – all of it critical, but not a lot of it is difficult with one exception – converting into or out of feet to metres.  I deem myself average at maths and don’t feel too bad that I don’t know my 0.3048 times table.


MSW Analox Alternative A Z of Commercial Diving F is for...........

1 Metre (in) Sea Water


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Comment by Kenneth Schneider on March 19, 2012 at 9:01pm

This is classic.

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