In the words of Bob Barth: "... I can tell you that those 11 days in that habitat were probably the best diving days I ever made; think about it, you travel down 200 feet and not have to worry about bottom time, what you find sitting there is this monster house...Bright lights, fresh water, warm showers, bunks, and plenty to eat, and nobody with a damn stop watch. She doesn't look like much now but in 1964 she was a palace. TBT 17000 +/- minutes, on the bottom."

  • Currently 3/5 stars.

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Comment by Dive Diva on September 6, 2009 at 9:35am
I believe that the gentleman on the left standing at the sink is LT Bob Thompson and the gentleman seated at the table is Lester Anderson BMI.
Comment by Doug Newts on September 6, 2009 at 6:43am
Is one of those guys Bob Barth?

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