Hi Guys, You are probebly already aware, but if not, approval has just been given for the largest wind farm in europe. 10m off the coast of essex. THe firms involved are dong Eon and Masdar. I have made contact with Dong Energy but am still trying to find out who else to contact re diving contracts so if anyone knows please let me know or as soon as I know I will post it.

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if they have just been giving the go ahead for the 'largest windfarm in europe' it would be unlikely that diving will be the first operation.
survey's will have to be done and many monopiles would have to be in pile-driven in to place before any diving activity began and that could take months and subject to being weather dependant. they tend not to build these things in sheltered places :-)
on a job of that size, it could be likely that more than one diving contractor will be on site.
your best direction might probably be tracking down the main marine contractor, not the investors.
i think its unlikely that Dong Energy will tell you who is tendering for the job.


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