Hi guys,

I did some work over in Qatar last year but things seem to have really quietened down over there. A lot of people I have spoken to reckon that flying over over there and just going from company to company will help get work. What do you think, is it worth it to fly over there and spend a couple weeks wearing down the shoe leather or just keep on contacting the companies from home?

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hi dude i was told that it was benificial to do that but you realy do have to get a job whilst u r out there to make it worth while ! other wise money is wasted that some people may just not have ?????? thinking of doing myslef to be honest, may b my lucky stars will be there to help !
I'm not so sure now we've got internet, but I suppose that if you're on the ground so to speak, you'll probably pick up short term jobs as local hire. Just have to look at the outgoings versus the income, really.
yeah I guess its just about deciding whether its worth it. will give it a couple months and see if something comes up, if not then I suppose a trip over there wouldnt be the worst thing in the world. shot for the opinions.


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