
Diamond Divers

For all the current and X diamond divers from the Southern African West Coast and rivers in Africa. We are/were a unique group of divers. Lets stay in touch. Also see the group Diamond Divers on Facebook

Location: South African West Coast & African rivers (Angola, DRC, Liberia, SL etc)
Members: 28
Latest Activity: Dec 29, 2015

Discussion Forum

coded welders

Started by Ahmed Qatawneh Feb 8, 2013.

coded welders

Started by Ahmed Qatawneh Feb 8, 2013.

Need some help!!!! 1 Reply

Started by Tomer Kochan. Last reply by Tino De Lange Mar 7, 2010.

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Comment by colin richards on May 26, 2009 at 4:33pm
werk nou in die China Sea. Al klaar 4 maande hier en seker n paar maande oor...foken lank trip maar die geld is ok..tot later
Comment by Sebastian Osborne on May 26, 2009 at 6:53am
Dankie vir jou advies. Chat weer more! Wat doen jy?
Comment by colin richards on May 26, 2009 at 5:53am
Nice to hear about your plans. Net n word jy jou 3.1 doen..probeer om jou 3.2 ook doen. Daar is meer werk vir 3.2 ouens. Die 3.1 is soos n class 3 kurses.A beginning...ek het klomp buddies wat die kurses gedoen het en al van hulle het werk gekry met hull 3.2 en die geld is ook goed.Mermaid is ook n gooie company en daar is ook klomp werk deur hulle. Good luck......
Comment by Sebastian Osborne on May 26, 2009 at 4:22am
We need more members.
Comment by Sebastian Osborne on May 26, 2009 at 4:22am
I am working @ Marine and Coastal Management(MCM), Done my Class 2 in Saldanha with Dan with my Diver Medic, I also Going away on the 20th of July to Thailand for my 3.1u Inspection ticket. After that I hope that the economy will come right and that The work will be good. What are you doing. Yiou can chat in Afrikaans if you what to.
Comment by colin richards on May 26, 2009 at 3:18am
I spend many years in Lamberts Bay and I agree....those where the best days of my life...surfing...and then every now and again...some groot steene just to round it off. Heard that the oues are struggling everywhere up our coast. I hope the best for them too..So waar werk jy nou...
Comment by Sebastian Osborne on May 25, 2009 at 11:26pm
I think I spent the best years in my life in the Port, hope things will pick up for the guys up in the A/bay.
Comment by colin richards on May 23, 2009 at 11:53am
Miss the days of the eight inch....pity for the sea days or I would still be doing it

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