I don't know about you. But I saw diving as one adventurous field hence, I agreed to

stick my neck out in the first place. Never has diving been more interesting than the old

good days when Divers knew each other by name, not at the touch of a silly button.


I mean you were either a Diver or not at all. Everything was done by merit not by clique.

It comes as a surprise these days, at the advent of a political group c** Association

(IMCA) at the helms of manipulation, choosing what qualification is acceptable in the

industry or not.


It beats my imagination how they got on the saddle talk less of the helm of the diving

affairs globally. Interesting, isn't it?


9JA shine your eyes o'

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Well, I agree with you, but then again I don't. The worm that eats up the apple is always inside it. I think we should seriously start looking inward. There are those who are not IMCA but think that the onus lies on them to decide who is, or isn't qualified to be on a job, especially if they are not from the same ethnic group or live in the same city as they do. It's only these days I hear statements like Warri divers or Port Harcourt divers as a criterion for choosing who goes on a job. That's not IMCA is it? I'm not a fan of IMCA, neither do I speak for them, but a house that is divided among itself cannot stand. If you break the hedge, the serpent will come in and bite! IMCA only gives guide lines and we not under obligation to follow them- if there is a legislation in force in the country. What are we doing about having our own legislation? Do we continue to embrace ethnocentrism, egocentrism and mediocrity and hope to move forward? I honestly don't think so!
9ja, shine your eye in this direction!

We need to move with the times! IMCA, HSE or ADSA should be the minimum requirement for any millenium compliant diver. Nigerian divers need to come together to regulate the industry by a recognised maritime association  who can protect the industry and not the Standard Organisation of Nigeria.


Diving Medical Specialist should be available to certify fitness to dive, provide medical assistance, operational medical advise and save the lives of our precious divers. Contractors should pay divers their well deserved packages (equivalent to foreign counterparts). The cheating is bad.


We have to get it right. I believe its about time. Enough is enough


Adesola Osidipe





Well said bro!
So, how, when and from where do we start?
How do you get a basking reptile out of the sun without a fight?
A lot of us are in our comfort zone and would do anything to remain there!
May we all find the grace to know that a thousand miles' trek begins with a single step;
only then will we be able and willing to take that first bold step.
If you see a light at the end of a dark tunnel and refuse to walk towards it, it would always remain a tiny light; but when you follow it, it becomes clear and more real to you. It becomes a goal that must be pursued to its logical end. 9ja na we own o!

Sorry for the late reply. Please endeavor to read my latest blog.

What Nigerian Commercial Divers may know and do not know



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