Yes, the ADC is monitoring this and other websites SO WHAT!!!!! If you want Fair, Send your comment to the Coast Guard They Write the real rule book. Not a $60.00 Reference Manual.

If they were really worried about our safety, they would esure our wages were as high as theirs. In th old days the OWNERS took a stipend of the rate per man. THats how they gained control ...

One man at a time ( when you have 50 men making you 1200 per day) you get rich Quick. Now that they control (ONLY FOR NOW) the education, they also control the wage.WHen a company charges the oil patch $1200- $2500 per day plus depth why does a diver walk away with less than $300.

Depression is a big safety issue BIg Brother remember who makes your house payments, childrens private education, and health insurance payments. Your Blue Cross is paid for by our red blood cells sweat and forclosures and we have no health care. Because rookies are being allowed to dive in experienced divers places, (because they dont ask questiones),all in the name of profit. Tough I will gladly acknowledge that there are A FEW - a VERY FEW ADC companies whose wages are close to comfortable Union wages, the rest of this industry has gone to hell in the name of control, greed, and money because the divers fear being replaced. Money you could be making sure as DIva Calls you Guys "Your Trade Association" ensures the survival of the DIvers who work and die to keep your ASSOCIATION in business. I grew up in South Louisiana in the hay day of the Patch. Ive been in  and on the water working since I was a kid. I am alsoa MILITARY VET, many of the ADC Schools in this country refused to return my calls when I inquired about the course because of my previous experience and current age. 1 did and I survived it. I learned exactly what we were teaching on deck 20 years ago t tenders, they choked a hose until they were trusted. we Never dove a kid freshbout of a fish bowl. It just wasnt done. Associations are great, when the employees share in the glory.

We now know soon that the OFFICIAL REG DRAFT will be open for comment. we will all be contacted for comment, opinion and complaint and concern - we are finally getting answers and making changes that should have been mde along time ago..

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THe ADC Leadership ( The Biggest Dive company owners ) are the problem. The smaller companies just follow, to keep the peace and stay in the Bluebook. I always reinterate, tat there are good honest companies in the Association, when things like this site wake people up. They stay quiet and attempt to care for their divers and make sure that they are paid as well as the budget will allow but not so high that other companies start seeing indifference within the Assoc.
WHen big wigs spam my e-mail with "Who do you think you are mail, Iremind them that most of them were in training pants when I started diving of the hundred or more companies in the country ive called I have spoken to only 4 Company Owners/ DIve Masters the rest were non diver HR / young guys who feared me wanting their desk job. Im a diver, I was born on the water, and Id prefer to go out the same way. Id rather scrape grease traps at McDonalds than ride a desk...


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