Hey Crew, Im looking for information and peoples experiences on working in West Africa "Nigeria" regarding security and safety, I have heard conflicting stories, any feedback is appreciated..

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I asked a guy in Nigeria...which....is probably what you should be doing  ;-)  He said it's safe and all's fine despite the rumours.   Try it, if you come back in one piece, there's your answer.

I have a friend working there for Chevron and he says all is ok just stay out of the bush.

Once there the locals will clue you in on places not to go.

Hey Pal, Just saying I have some real scary stories about diving in Africa.like working while armed guards protect your back, Abductions, armed boats coming up to rigs and taking all hands off for ransom  and many other things you would not like to have happen to or be subjected to. On the other side also known of good experiences. So its just risk anyway you cut it.

Try contacting other divers who have been there and the US Justice Dept. and see what they have to say.The bum you save may be yours. Good luck at what ever your choice ends up being. Keep us informed after all we are all in the same trade and line of work.

Thanks all for the feedback, there definitely seems to be mixed opinions. If given the go ahead will make sure to keep you all posted, after all adventure is the great thing about this game! Get wet yeeww...

Back in the day while diving in Africa, Berbera, Somalia  it was a good adventure. Adventure runs thru my veins and is one of my favorite words so after using it for many years one day I decided to look it up in the dictionary  and here is what I found that it had in common. .

Adventure              =Risk

Business  Venture  =Risk


Just saying that theres nothing like a good adventure and as divers we do assume risk but it is always good to have a emergency back up plan a plan B when all else goes to hell. Things can turn around on a guy or a diving operation way too quickly. After all the life you save may be yours. Life is for living  let's get er done. Hooyah !..




Hey Jermy I came across a article that may help you understand  how some things in Nigeria. Its kinda long  but I think will help you better understand what you might be up against. when you go to Nigeria. It is titled "Scots excellent adventure in Nigeria"  punch up on line.


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