What do you guys think about women commercial divers? I'm not one, but I know a gal interested in becoming one. In such a male-dominated industry, would it be harder for a woman to have a successful career? Would you enjoy working side by side with women?

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Thanks craig! how are you???
What does she look like ??
by all means if u can get the job done efficiently and dont mind me running around naked on deck now and then. amongst other things like taking a dump in the water coz u really rather not use the local loo.......u know it can get rather rough out here in africa. and im sure some of the lads would really appreciate having a lady to talk to every now and then.
after katrina hit I was a supervisor fot triton. We had a girl on our crew that thought I was a little hard on her. I cant say I liked the way I felt having to deal with that situation, It was akward. there a blessing if they can actually do the job, if not keep them in the office.....And they wont s*** in a 5 gallon bucket, thats the best seat on the boat at 5am waitin for the sun...
now that's funny s***....no pun intended
I was a female tender and had used a piss jug.. of course I had to try a lot harder than you guys . Toilet was broken on the crew boat with a bunch of dudes right around the corner on deck of all the gear, squatting and trying not to fall and have pee all over me. Those were the days.
Most boats are not set up for privacy. Girls have to dance around the boys to get to the shower/toilet. The gals have to put up with unwanted advances. We can't put up with someone not performing because it's the wrong time of the month for them. Girls tend to play the gender card, claiming sexual harassment. In shorter terms, they make trouble for the job that equate to lower profits. It might be fun, a popular idea, and legal, but it doesn't seem to work well. Women make great scuba instructors, I would suggest to your friend to pursue that. Yes there are a few exceptions to the norm, but the percentage of success is very low.
Last year was a good time, as much as I could remember from it. A broken chair, blood all over the floor, a dude broke his hand...typical diver party! That place burnt down, I moved into a house on the other side of town. The parties are still the same. Last big blow out was three broken lawn chairs and I got drug down the road a bit because my hand was caught in the door of another dudes suv. Good times! CHEERS!!!
I have been woking in the gulf for 3 years. I am not going anywhere and I have worked with another diver who is a female that is amazing in the water....... BUT I have worked with another female tender who was usless to me and the other boys on my shift. She played the girl card and wasnt at all even close to strong enough to be out there. She was definitly a girl who just wanted a the title of female diver. So I being a girl offshore I have mixed feelings about working with other females so I understand why you guys feel this way. I have mixed feelings myself. But I am good at my job and I know another girl that is an awsome diver as well. So even though gender will always be issue........ judge on work perfomance and not weather or not we have a penis. Thanks
I cain't believe that nobody explained when male genitalia comes into use when diving. So here goes.
1. hot water dispenser.
2. balances out diver, left or right side?
3. scare sharks away.
4. attract octop******.
5. hammer home stubborn bolts.
6. line up bolt h***s.
7. deco toy.
8. thermometer.
9. measuring stick.
10. billyclub.
11. compass - always points to good looking women.

need any more smartass answers?
LOL, keep'em coming


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