Which would be easier to get a job Offshore or inland?

How much do both pay?

And how long are you away from home?


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how badly do you wish to work.
this might be a good question to ask yourself.
when you ask questions like this.

steve h
Well im still in school right now and im hearing alot of diffrent things and im really looking for the truth and just trying to get a clear picture of things so i will no the pros and cons so ill know where to start and make up my mind
yes yes!!

but try asking the Q's in another way.

as if your interested in the job and not just the possible money.

they call it selling yourself.

steve h
Yeah i didnt look at in that way i know what you mean but i always wanted to dive im not in it for the money as a new comer i just hear alot of things from diffrent people and its just clutter in my head i just want to know the truth most ppl keep feeding me the diffrent things. I mean come on who doesnt wanna know the perks and etc its a big step for me and im really just trying to gather as much as possible. So can you help me?
Hey Malcolm

You want the truth??? I hope you can handle the truth lol...
I think as a beginner you need to take whatever comes your way. Even when the money is bad the experience you'll get is priceless. You definitly don't leave a good impression as a babydiver asking how much money you'll earn. What you need to concentrate on is experience, bottom time and having fun. Once that starts building up, money will follow. Inshore or offshore? Up to YOU! example; I started out with an inshore company 10 years ago and still work for the same boss. Why leave if your having fun? Other friends, classmates and even collegues went offshore on a freelance contracts. Good pay when it's busy, no pay when it's slow. Some go back inshore, some have sidejobs and others just stay home with the wife and kids. Having a sidejob is not a bad idea. Sort of a plan B when times are slow or to clear your head when you just got back from a big job. Possibilities are endless.
Comparing offshore pay with inshore is difficult. Here in the North Sea offshore jobs go with the season. While inshore is all year around. If you get the opportunity to start a big project inshore and manage to stay there a couple of months or maybe even 'till the end, doing overtime(+50%), nightshifts (+150%), weekends (double pay), 2e and 3e dives (+50%) etc I'd be surprised if an offshore diver can do better paywise.
Thanks man that helped out alot sorry tho didnt mean to make it seem like i was in it for the money but thanks.
Depends on your work experience, your skills, etc.
Inland pay is local prevailing or union, 8 hrs/days sometimes 5 day wks depending on job.
Offshore is within competition, 7 1/2hrs or 8hrs + OT (4hrs daily ) 7days +
For local inland jobs maybe 8hrs.
For offshore work I take on each trip like I may not return for 6 months.
If your are smart you will take pretty much whatever inland or offshore work you can get untill you have a log book showing you know what your doing in the water and can do it safely


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