ok i use an 18band mask.

but i am getting into a number of situations were a proper hat would be the right way to go for all the right reasons.

take into account ease of use fitting, comfort,etc.

so what is the best that you have used for all of the above.

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i have a km 18b and i am happy with my km 27. i liked the miller 400 allot and also liked the km 77. the gorskie was too small for my big head, lol. check out the ds-2 made by beat engle ( https://www.divedesco.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=155&... ), i tried one out and it seemed to be very light. if you can, try a few different ones out before you buy one.
no one is telling me why? or sorry what it is it they like about each hat.

the upside and the down side to each that they have used.

you mention desco you say it seems light, now is that good for you, bad what?? and why.

for me the 18kmb with a new hood is ok but after a few dives it starts to feel well rubbish as the faceseal starts to crush and i do not wear my kit tight far from it.

steve h
Hi Steve, the Omega band mask has a huge face plate made of lexan, replaceable from your local perspex supplier, the face plate is held in place by stainless self tapper into a t bar in the finber glass moulding, u cant strip them out like the older Kirby, the screw u buy over the counter if needed. The breathing rate under work load is great, the down side if you got a large pip is the neoprene hood is a bit tight for me!!
The Genesis fantastic hard wearing hat same face plate and dv as the omega, large volume hat for the fat heads like me, got an awsum neck dam same as the '37, comfortable and not restrictive, face plate etc same as the Omega, great breathing rate and large adjustable airflow, today was working hard at 37meters and was great. Down side is the hat is heavier than the Kirbys.
The Proteus 1 and 2 much lighter than the Genesis by almost 5kg i believe, I dont have them but will be oedering for an upcoming job in the far east.
I have 2 Omegas and 2 Genesis hats in my spread as I have said before sevicing is a walk in the park and spares are avaliable, the big plus is the prce and order time.
I will always buy new, there are a heap of sharks out there and some real dodgy cover ups in the used maket. Hope that helps cheers mate
I will not go for the Genisis been using it in training and it just does not match the KM ajustment ranch on the dail a breath, they are using a normal scuba apex regulator for surface supply and it doesnt handel the veriable air supply pressures as well as KM. Pro's are it is nice and large for someone with a large pip and regulator spares are cheap easy to get hold of.
the miller is nice because you can close the exhaust and make it neutral. its a metal hat. supposedly you can find just about any part for the miller at a hardware store.
i bought my 27 because i got a good deal on it, same with my bandmask.
the deepsea beat engel hat is really light (i cant find the specs online), i was told a ton of different regs can be used with it. was also told it was made up of kevlar reinforced carbon fiber
the gorski was too small for my big head, lol.

you should try a few out before you decide to buy
get the SL 27. light, small and strong


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