I,ve been diving for work, cleaning boats, changing props, and some shallow search and recovery work for about 5 years now with just a basic underwater cert. Now I'm thinking about going to cda and making a career out of diving. Will any of this experience help me in the long run...

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Motown? I'm not set on CDA that just seemed like one of the best, I'm open to any advice....
WTF NO! so you want to be an "underwater ditch digger?" AND LIVE? HHHMMMM? look up john carl roat and read EVERYTHING he post!!! can you r/r a car engine,underwater in a mud h*** in the dead of winter,f***ing freezing with someone yelling at you because your taking too long? and for fun some wise tender puts hot sauce on your oyster trap to bust your balls? glad to help:)
settle down....my smart ass:)
#1.JOHN CARL ROAT is the big fish of info to SAVE YOUR LIFE!! because of him i am alive today!!and not in a wheel chair!!
#2. gee wiz perhaps i could suggest a book that John told me TO READ!! that will give you a feel for the industry COMMERCIAL OIL FIELD DIVER by Nicholas B. Zinkoski read chapter #3 "tending and breaking out.' real warm and fuzzy read :) the green tenders are treated like kings!
BALL BUSTING!! example: if you see someone seasick green,puking his life out on the crewboat ride? get a greasy pork chop, sardines with crackers for them! LOL THAT'S how to make friends:)
Yeah i've been looking at IDI too it seems like a good school and the closest one to home here in NC. Youngs Memorial seems like the best bang for the buck. I'm trying to get in touch with them now, I need some more info on what certs. you graduate with. Can anybody tell me what certs. are most important when you get out there...


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