I am considering building a wet weld tank up here at my shop in Northern California. The plan would be to provide an afforadble practice tank for all divers wanting to stay in top form either for wet or hyperbaric welding. Depending on your responses I plan TO BUILD or NOT TO BUILD.

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Great idea can you add zero vis and sea state as well?
We would be able to certify in salt water or fresh. For sea state I guess we could add some wave motion although for testing I wouldn't recomend it. Vis could be played with or duck tape on the faceplate always adds a degree of difficulty.
Vic read my personal note up in the right hand corner to you. Mean while get the duct tape and use it on Chuck (sorry chuck I couldnt let that one go).
Alpha One has a topside and u/w welding trainning facility not far from Eureka where we did that pipeline job for Oceaneering back 15 years ago.Damn how time flys when your having fun yep still welding and diving myself out here and getting ready for retirement sometime in the next 15 yrs.
If you get bored you can come out here and help me build mine I have all the metal just need to weld it all up.
Ace my man-still in Hawaii?
I hope the skiing was good; as to the wet welding/burning tank let me know if I can help. If you could snag both of those tanks you could set one up as salt water and the other as fresh. As to the cat walks, I know you're into metal, but given your location you might want to think about wood and trex...just a thought. Cheers, Kirk
Yes see message on your personal page.
how/who would you certify through?
welds are certified by AWS welding inspector.
testing lab is way to go cost about 5-6 hundered for each test.
student pays that.
Train and take test for AWS welding inspector cost you a couple grand.
proper in house weld test equipment will cost 20 grand.
If you train outside students it will require liability insurance and that is 10-20 grand.
How you make a little money in weld training is you start with a lot.
Thank's to all for the imput, a lot of good points. I have all equipment for the dive spread through my company and insurance. Nothing starts without the insures approval. Testing the welds is not a major chore as long as the appropreate weld procedure is followed, witnessed and coupons bent accordingly. My history includes to many weld certs to list here, level 2 MPI, 2UT and CWI. If I do this right certifications can be obtained and or kept current at a reasonable cost to both the unemployed diver or for employeers. Thanks once again for your thoughts, and keep them coming.
i agree i could do with some time IN as i do not think i could cut let alone weld as its been so long YEARS and then some so for me great idea but in all honesty i think you will get one punter a year if lucky and then tickets???????????
Yea Dale sea snakes, crocks and big sharks oh yea pissed off seals with teeth snapping at ya. big boats trying to crush you in between them and a jacket leg, iddots dropping things on you if they can. Tank diving is much better and when Vic gets his rigged up hot water Jeez what could be better.
Shoot Vic if your already a CWI jump on it your on your way pal welding with hot water it dosent get any better than that does it ?


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