has everyone changed or still sticking with old faithful

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came up at work the bosses arent going to like the shorter dive times im trying to get a feel for the whats going on out there so we can put a proposal to the suites
We are teaching 6th version here to Chino divers, you move with the times or get left behind.
Back in the day we tweeked the tables for longer bottom times and shorter decom. thats why we all got bent to hell and back. Do like COMEX they pegged depth gauges at 30 feet, how in the hell can you get bent if you never went over 30 feet. sure is dark down here for 30 feet.
Shut up and go to work!
Suits dont dive or get bent, tell them its a safety issue and Navy Tables are the only ones that are used in Court by plaintiffs attorney.
If your working in the UK with a company who is using USN Rev 5 tables then HSE will take a very dim view of this and will most likely try and put someone behind bars if a diver gets bent. Food for thought elsewhere also!


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