I'm not nornaly one to judge but after reading some of your posts. It has come to clear to me an "old Salty" that I can't even call you a worm because thus far you have degrated yourself below the level of that. Lesson 1) Tenders are to seen not heard 2) Tenders should respect their Elders 3) Sit back and listen to us old salts then maybe buy chance you will make in this industry. But if you type the way you act I can promise you one thing You would not and I repeat NOT make it on a one day job with me!! So get rid of the attitude and join yourself in some reality!! YOU ARE JUST A TENDER!! Earn your way and you will earn our respect!!




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Chuck, I have seen no proof to date he qualifies as a tender!
Bill I say again Roger,Roy, Dale and Trigger this person who ever this computer geek poser is not really and dosent qualify for anything. No proof no last name no nothing just a spoof to waste out time with. Happy to know you see the light also.


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