Young break out diver sent on a three man dive team as a Supervisior.

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the real deal is the captain knew were the screw was and he said nothing and the lift boat should have been all the way out of the water, that is why there are ladders to get in and out of the water.Lock out and tag out should have been done before any one hit the water. WTF were they thinking about letting a new diver sup the dive,wow f***ed up all around. I hope the family sue the f*** out of them
You note nothing about sending out a breakout diver. Nothing said about, he told them he didn't want to be in charge but was told be in charge or someone else will go.
The ADC has a practice of never admitting anything, and they won't comment on what we already know to be the truth. Cowards.....

This is the kind of crap that gets rookies into trouble, the ADC claims our "Champion and our Voice" this is the reason its time for the ADC to Very Quietly disband. There are enough COMPETENT Divers in the field to enforce and support what needs to be done. BUt the black ball process started by some of the original membership continues if they do. 

Give em a set of rules, but back out quickly and deny any liability. To those of you paying dues, remember when you were paid fairly for your work, gear and the stuff you supplied? When prices on your gear reach (they already have) an un affordable rate to the men and women who use them how do you expect your Trade Association to survive, you condem unions, but your group has become something much worse.

Here's the reality, ADCI schools have flooded the market with in experienced kids, Real divers are being replaced by ADC guidelines, and when these Kids get hurt you blame their bosses ( who by the way most are supporting members). The Association is dying. Let it die and let real divers go back to work before another kid dies needlessly! 


The broke out diver should have told the company,fine send some one other then Him but no he was thinking about the glory of being a Supervisor and running the job. He should of just went on to the next job. I have worked for a few companies that have sent us out with supervisor's that did not know there head from there ass and you end up running the job just so you can get it done

Precon marine sevices was one that had kids fresh out of school running jobs, I just shook my head and went to work, until we were setting up the dive station and noticed there was no depth gauge and asked how do you know what the depth is to run the dive profile,He said we don't need one because we have a bottom reader on the boat. Then I asked were is the compressor and he said we are diving on two Hp bottles I shook my head again. He then said your up for first dive,I told him he could go f*** him self and that I will run the radio but I am not diving on Hp bottles with him running this job and that if he did not like it he can get the boat and drive me to shore and I could go home alive.

Exactly what you should have done! No one with less than 5 years in the water is qualified to supervise, anyone practicing this should be brought up in front of a military( Coast Guard or Maritime Court) and prosecuted for negligent endangerment.


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