Be very wary of those you do business with or involve yourself with Ladies and Gentlemen. Over the last 5 months I have been led to believe that certain persons here were "Leading" , Organizing" , or other wise "Putting Together a Team" for a project in the Alaska Gold Fields ( in water claims).

This very was far from the truth! This person was not an organizer, only a grunt like the rest of us trying to get work, I have been informed he is also making posts on various sites insinuating that I have caused him great loss when in truth it is my children not this person who has lost much. 

Trust & Respect are the hardest things to earn, maintain and bestow on a person, civilian or military.

Once betrayed the web of deceit will enshroud and entomb that person for the rest of their lives.

Very rarely will I ever comment on an individual in this or any other social media. But I will not be spoken ill of and let it lie. My reputation in this industry is a result of hard work sweat and quite a few scars and seen the loss of dear friends and the rise of good friends.

There are those here that claim to be "Brothers" while planning a method of attack against your reputation, your morality and social status, again be very wary of those you "Associate with"...

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Thanks Jerry send me a pm and let me know who. I trust you!


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