Hi all.

My name is Tony Groom I'm an ex Royal Navy Clearance Diver. After doing my time I went on to do too many years up in the North Sea, sat and air, and around the world as a commercial diver.

I have been paid to dive since I was 17. I am now 49. I have never had a 9 to 5 or done anything that doesn't involve getting wet! Well until now that is.

I'm trying to make a few bob from writing. My first attempt has gone really well. I wrote DIVER, last year and seeing as I haven't slept with a footballer, or had a breast enlargement, I think it has gone really well! (I've sold around 25,000)

If anyone would like a signed copy, please have a look at my site:


If you want to read some reviews from England have a look at the link below:


Anyway, I look forward to any crushing reviews!!

Regards Tony.


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The Admiral was a failed diver you see. How many do you meet throughout life? How his life could have been sooo different. He could've been scrambling about in the dark depths of Portsmouth dockyard, or lost on some massive Plem. Instead, he has a life of shaking hands with the gentry, drinking tea and eating little triangular cuc**ber sandwiches.
It his loss!
Hi Tony, howyabin? Good to see ya still floggin the yarn. Lookin forward to the next one, might even buy one 'stead of borrowing 3 copies to read it all. PS-buy up your unsolds when your publisher starts getting antsy about remaindering it. Cheers Bill (Spudwrench)
The Publisher is chuffed to bits. Its still selling. Approaching 30,000 copies now! I'm amazed and delighted. Don't know if you should that mad and buy one though ... Just borrow one off Chuck (Above)
If you're serious. Have a look on my site. I can sign, or write anything you want in them. The other day I did one for a sports diver. It was a Dad to his son, I had to put:
Son ... There are two types of diver in this world.... And you're neither!
Nice eh?


I'm a 17 year old diver just about to get into the commercial diving world. I got your book for Christmas last year and I have to say it's really great =) It's really awesome to hear about someone's point of view and what they did from someone as experienced as you. It's a real inspiration, and I can't wait to get into the commercial diving field. Thanks a lot mate =D

Thanks a lot my man. Good luck with the commercial work. There are a lot worse jobs out there. I'm fifty now and have never done a days work in an office, I've always been on-in-or under-the sea. And, to top it all, generally, divers are a great bunch of blokes.


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