I just got out to seattle and started school.  So far its not bad and seeing through the b******* is pretty easy.  I just wanted to tell you guys thank you so much for all the info and help.  it really blows me away that Ace Parnell and FLYNN took me under their wings.  I really appreciate it fellas.  I met Dori today and she seems to be a wonderful person.  Again thank you sooo much i cant tell you what your friendship means to my family and I.

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John, Dori & Joney are three of the nicest people you can meet in this industry. They're class acts, send 'em any business you can!

Ace & Flynn - Can't tell you how much we appreciate members like you going out of your way to help the new guys in the industry and not just writing them off as tenders.
Getting would be and novice professionals over the first step is/should be the one of the main ambitions of this forum. I would be immensely pleased and satisfied if this became the stop of choice for commercial divers to assist our membership in becoming professionals in every sense of the word. A place to expand knowledge born of experience, and espescially utilizing our own history to the success and profit of the newly minted. There are reasons for the way we do things and staying alive is one of them, so before decrying or denegrating us old school guys attitudes around some things-maybe find out why. I wish all things good to all who enter the field who long to be divers, to all others please find your bliss elsewhere and don't hang around a business where you may become a danger to yourselves &/or others who may have the misfortune to work near you. Besides that I hope this place endures with good stories, good beefs, good photos and good news. All for now-an old school diver, bill
Dustin what a pleasant surprise to hear back from you and thank you for your compliment happy to pass some real stuff your way. Above and beyond all it looks like we are starting to get some where real with this website Bill your post is so well put and Flynn your approach and tone also add a real positive step forward its great to be associated with you all. .
Ace, I juast spent a few minutes of enjoyment on Pat Regans Site........I noticed specifically Ace Parnell & Rev. Robert Daly--right on Ace!!!
Flynn just punch me up on google thanks being an old school diver yourself I think you will appreciate it too.
Bill glad you enjoyed the Capt. Nemo dive it was right up there with meeting J.Y. Cousteau and ER Cross. Lucky me getting an opportunity to do boy hood stuff hun.
Ahhhh, a success story. Good to hear about it.
These guys over here are awesome. I don't post much, I am more of a read and listen person. But in this case, have to give credit where credit is due. Keep it up !!!


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