Click Here to Sign The Petition.


From report Published by U.S. CDC, Center for Disease Control, in 1999: They estimate 3000 working commercial divers in the United States.


“At the average of five deaths per year this corresponds to a rate of 180 deaths per 100,000 employed divers per year, which is 40 times the national average death rate for all workers. This group, which accounts for most of the commercial dive time underwater, includes divers involved in construction, maintenance, and inspection of vessels and structures such as oil rigs, bridges, and dams. The remaining 67 deaths occurred among workers who were not full-time divers; these include seafood harvest divers, search and rescue divers, scientific divers, dive instructors, and nonmilitary federal agency divers.”


Nothing has been done about this report! At this time OSHA nor the Coast Guard has a means for tracking Death or serious incident among Commercial Divers. All though they regulate the Industry they have NO classification for Commercial Diver.



No. 1 regards the OSHA and Coast Guard investigation and reporting:


We the undersigned, require that the Coast Guard and OSHA, as regulatory bodies for the commercial diving industry, be charged with the investigation and reporting of all incidents occurring on any commercial diving operation in a timely manner.


No. 2 remove the 3 man dive team.


We the undersigned, require that a minimum five man team manning level be a requirement of law, and must consist of:

  • One certificated diving supervisor
  • One certificated  diver
  • One certificated standby diver
  • Two qualified diving tenders

We also require that for  mixed gas diving operations, an additional dedicated surface gas rack operator be mandatory.


No. 3 regards Dive Supervisor(certificate) Licensing


We the undersigned, require the Coast Guard and OSHA set up a Licensing system for Dive Supervisors. It should have legal standing under law. This license should be revocable and the licensees subject to law for gross negligence. At this time a SCUBA Certification has more standing under U.S. Law than an ADCI or IMCA Supervisor Card.  


It is time for OSHA and the Coast Guard to hear from Working Divers and their families. The ADCI promotes the 3 man dive team around the world through its international affiliated dive companies. It is not even an OSHA  rule but an interpretation the ADCI ask OSHA  for in 1996 for.

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Replies to This Discussion

I would sign this petition yet I have a few questions?

Is this to force the ADCI to re-write their standards? they are not a governing body and listed as a Recereational organisation!

Is it so that OSHA will re-write their standards?

Now I am aware that the Coast Guard follows Navy regs and rules on Diving so I am a bit confused as to how the ADCI has more pull than the CG and or Navy.

I am all for the 5-6-7 man dive team and Licensing for Sups, just not written tests but real time experience,drills and practicle application.

Also going back to the tender break out period, far to many people like to talk behind a key board and put the break out time down yet in my humble experience is needed.


I guess what I am getting at is this the only content the petition has or will a more detailed one be presented?




That is all that is being ask for in the petition. There is a section for comment. These comments will be printed and presented to the Coast Guard and OSHA. That would be a good area to get your thoughts heard/read.

 I believe this petition will make them realize that they should be listening to others not just the ADCI. Since neither the Coast Guard or OSHA has a way of effectively tracking Commercial Diving Death or serious incident I believe it is the minimum that is necessary and at least a start on improving the business.

I also strongly urge that we set up a way to share/communicate operating experience as a way to inform and prevent events from repeating themselves. We do this in the nuclear industry, we should do it in commerical diving.

Someone mentioned that in the UK they do not. I know in the U.S. we self-regulate through INPO and WANO and a few other agencies and we have easy, open access to OEs (Operating Experience), they don't always doc**ment an event, but when an event was prevented due to whatever reason: this, too, is shared, we don't assume others know.

Another thing to do, is these regulating agencies (and within our own plants) keep an eye on TRENDS, when a trend is noticed, then it is invesitgated, and the results are shared so that the trend can be nipped in the bud, or prevented from blooming into an accident.

Thanks Kyra;


I love every signature but the ones like yours that point out other short commings carry more weight with OSHA and the Coast Guard as they will understand there is more need then the basics I'm petitioning for. Many US Navy Master Divers have posted some great comments. This morning it has been up less then three full days and we have 415 signatures so let keep up the good work.

Come on mates!

Maybe somebody need such a sign booster!


It is only about our safety!

Go here you see the reasons why by the #s 

There is also a hot link to the Petition Directed at the European Parliament. Some very important Heavy Hitters have signed these petitions. Get your name on it. Send it to your families it is about feeding your family, not protecting your country. You should not die feeding your family!!

COPY Its signed~


Jeramy & All;


Thanks for the support; we have 726 signatures at this time. here is a comment from one of the Captains that signed "The pressure is on companies to be profitable. Some will stand by safety,or put up appearances of doing so, out of fear of litigation. But until these regulations, which would cut into their bottom line, are in place - there will always be those taking shortcuts.

I am not a diver, and stand nothing to gain other than knowing that a great many friends of mine will be more likely to go home to their families."

We have been asking for years to have Divers and Supervisors involved in the rule making. The ADCI and IMCA have chosen to ignore us. Now is the time to force it.

Now I wish we had a "Like" button like FaceBook. This comment from the Captain is profound, and sould help take this petition somewhere. When other people see it, when others support you who stand nothing to gain from it, you KNOW you are on the right track!

Thanks John for being so proactive.

Kyra Everyone is welcome to join us on Facebook at: Stop Commercial Diver Deaths! it is an open group on Facebook we have over 600 now in the group.!/groups/134688349955293/ We will win thei one!


Just a Thought: Did you ever wounded how a man might have sack enough to breath underwater, where God didn’t make him to go, but still be afraid to put his name to the truth?


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