Russian advice: Nuke the oil spill, that’ll fix it!
by Nicholas Deleon
May 5, 2010

Stop the presses~! The Russians have come up with a pretty snazzy way to deal with that oil spill: nuke it all! Why waste time freaking out when you can unleash the power of
mass-to-energy conversion
, and let Mr. Atom clean up the mess in no
time at all?

The silly thing is, while I’m half-joking, the Russians are legitimately serious about the proposal. Turns out they used to do such a thing—nuke oil spills—back in the days of the Soviet Union.

Komsomoloskaya Pravda, the country’s best-selling daily newspaper (sorta like their USA Today, I guess), suggests that we nuclear bomb the area near the leak, with “the underground explosion mov[ing] the rock,
press[ing] on it, and, in essence, squeez[ing] the well’s channel.”

They’ve done such a thing five times in the past, and it turns out that it has an 80 percent success rate.

In short: Russia is awesome.

via True/Slant

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They have done this five times!
Living on a island that is lava which is full of lava fractures I can see the value of shaking the earth until it seals the leak off. A diffrent aproach thats for sure and you say it has been done 5 times-wow.
hahahaha I have herd that! Badass...
Well if the Americans cant get the russians to do it, Maybe they can ask the french, I know they like blowin up nukes underwater :D
yup we did... dunno if nuke is the way to go. In my opinion if you just need a big explosion why not try other explosives.


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