Root Data - Directories and Registers - Maritime, Aviation and Diving

Let me introduce ROOT DATA - commercial web service containing contact details of thousands of companies in maritime industry, diving and aviation - now with partly free access and two new data bases:

- Register of Civil Helicopters Worldwide - containing list of helicopters from 46 countries; - Register of Offshore, Dredging and Towing Vessels Worldwide - list of vessels from 143 countries (flags).

Also you can find there: - List of Maritime Crewing, Manning Agencies and Training Centers Worldwide - from 138 countries; - List of Offshore Shipowners, Managers and Operators Worldwide - from 157 countries owning, managing or operating all types of offshore vessels; - List of Towing Shipowners, Managers and Operators Worldwide - from 175 countries owning, managing or operating all types of towing vessels; - List of Dredging Shipowners, Managers and Operators Wordwide - from 97 countries owning, managing or operating all types of floating dredgers; - List of Commercial Subsea Service Companies and Training Centers Worldwide - from 101 countries training and commencing underwater works (Diving, ROV, AOV); - List of Civil Helicopter Service Companies and Training Centers Worldwide - companies and organizations from 139 countries training, owning, managing or operating all types of civil helicopters.

Root Data is a commercial service which provides to its customers registers and contact details to thousands of companies in the diving, aviation and shipping industries. ROOT DATA allows the access to the most comprehensive and reliable data bases from all available on the market.

For more information please visit

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