Mike Wills of Bay Tech and I have been discussing Stages and open bottom Bells designed with recovering an injured diver in mind.

I saw him last week and he has developed his first. If you can get by his place, 1253 1st Avenue Harvey, LA 70058 . it is suppose to be ready for display this week.  I’m going offshore so I will be going up when I get in.

Some of you divers get by there and give him your opinion. I have been hitting hard on the issue of Stages, Ladders and Open Bottom Bells for years, SO THANK YOU MIKE!!!


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Is this the same Mike Wills that used to work for Larry Tomberlin at PDNO , Carl?
THat is him he started hos own company after leaving Larry.
Always thought he would stay in the business, let him know Im still alive, if he even remembers me LOL.
Larry Tomlinson owned PDNO, can't remember if Mike started it up before or after the CDI acquisition. Don't Kris and some of the other PDNO alumni still work there?
I look forward to seeing pictures of this
Talked with Mike today and he said he will call as soon as it is ready. I should have gone offshore already but will get the word out and post pictures when I do.
I got up to Bay Tech to see the Injured Diver recovery system on an open bottom bell. Well I love it, simple and clean. No Hanging the diver by his harness. He is doing a dive stage in a similar manner. Thanks Mike good work.

I can see having to hang a diver by a harness in a Sat Bell it should never be necessary Surface Diving.


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