"ADC was formed by a group of five diving companies who were operating in the Gulf and decided to fight unionization. Their goal was to establish standards so that the government would not start imposing regulations on the diving companies."

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So do you think the I that stands for International in ADCI could relate to having more International companies in the Gulf? as in more International lower paid divers taking the place of those who now live here and have established diving in the Gulf of Mexico oil fields ?
This past summer has been a complete diaster as everyone knows with the foriegn company BP's spill that should show just how much respect foriegn companies respect our jobs and water resources.
What say you ?

Ace you are so right out of all that b******* last year no one has even asked WTF was a European company doing drilling our oil and then turning around and selling it back to us for twice the amount, or the fact that some one made lot's of money but us diver got f***ed and still are. Americans are getting more and more retarded each year. There need's to be change on the way Americans are getting f***ed out of work because big companies can make more money going over seas. ADC is a bunch of B******* they take money form all these companies but do they real check up on them and the way they run there dive NO they don't. I can come up with about 20 companies that should not even have a ADC card because they are a accident waiting to happen. ADC want all the companies dive logs but if the company pays off the ADC then they won't even give it another look WTF is up with that?

Back in the day when we were Deep Sea Divers and looked the part, we were paid like doctors and respected for what we did.

That all changed when Kirby Morgan banged out there first band mask and the SCUBA divers flooded into the market and started cut throat work ethics.

Oh for the days when the diver got on deck and the client handed you a cup of steaming coffee and asked if there was anything he could do for you and later handed you a big check.

Yea now its a $6,000 plus dive hat and alot of marina divers can get more per hr scrubbing yacht hulls. Welders many times get more respect on the job for their trade and tallent and their work hats only cost $300.
Organize and this is what get.....

ODIA Pay Rates for 2010 to 2011

November 2, 2010 by ukdivingbrotherhood


Bell Superintendent £809.86
Bell Supervisor £712.61
Air Superintendent £712.61
Air Supervisor £559.15
Professional Diver Bell £474.38
Professional Diver Air £474.38
Diver Bell £296.92
Diver Air £296.92
LSS £458.47
LST £409.96
ALST £268.37
Senior Technician £409.96
Technician £307.52
Foreman Rigger £352.01
Rigger £286.98
Trainee Rigger £200.88
Tender £238.51
Sat Payment per hour £31.19

Travel and subsistence paid to all except where the employer pays the costs. £18.48 per day

Medical, Offshore Survival, MIST, Boots, Dental paid to all. £6.61

Divers Additional Training paid to Divers, Diving Supervisors and Diving Superintendents
Air Jobs £11.50
Sat or Bell diving jobs £22.96


You see, those guy's in the Norht sea are organized.....

It's indeed the basic day-rate + hours in the bin....for more local (Europe) info and rumors see


I know you gentlemen in the USA have a major mistrust of unions. But in Europe unions work in an entirely different manner to the US and are covered by government legislation
As one of the senior union reps in the UK, I have converted the UK £ figures to $US based on 1.5 $ to the £.
The difference between the diver rate and the Professional diver rate is the diver is a trainee until he fulfils the competency requirements.
Rates are per day for 12 hours whether worked or not and as for the Sat bonus that is seal to seal per hour on top of the daily pay rate.

M G Superintendent $1,286.87
M G Supervisor $1,140.99
Air Superintendent $1,123.80
Air Supervisor $ 893.61
Professional Diver M/G $ 783.65
Professional Diver AIR $ 766.46
Diver M/G $ 517.46
Diver AIR $ 500.27
LSS $ 725.34
LST $ 652.58
ALST $ 440.19
Senior Technician $ 652.58
Technician $ 498.92
Foreman Rigger $ 565.65
Rigger $ 468.11
Trainee Rigger $ 338.96
Tender $ 395.40
Sat Payment per hour seal to seal $ 46.79
Sat Payment X 24 hours (day) $1,122.84

Derek Moore

Thank you Derek for the clear explanation and your efforts in the UK in the past, hope this will convince the divers to get decent organized.

Setting up a union for divers in the USA is nothing new.
In the mid to late 1970s a guy called Ed White I think, tried to build a coalition of pile driving unions encompassing diving and he said then “I don’t have any power by myself. As long as they keep us divided we’re all a bunch of jerks and can’t do anything. But if we get together they’re gonna listen”. He also said “the contractors take away more stuff from us with a fountain pen than they could with a gun”.

Here you guys are 30 years plus later, Ed’s comments holding true today, still divided and the contractors still have more power in that pen.

Ed White was the business agent for Pile Drivers Local Union 34 in Oakland,CA

At that time the Carpenters International had an Offshore Divers Agreement for Oil Field work in California and Alaska.

Also union divers could travel from one local to another throughout the USA without having to pay the local a fee to work in its jurisdiction and union benifits would be sent to his home local.

There was a push to organize the Gulf of Mexico but the divers would not stand together and vote for union representation.

Ed passed away last year but yes the divers are still divided and Ed was a top hand diver.

Derek small World I knew Ed thanks for sharing his World Class quote with us.


Fred, thanks for passing on the demise of Ed. My condolences to his family.

Many try to organise divers, but in the end it is normally the malaise of the divers etc in the industry that are at fault.
Too many expect someone else to do all the work for no return and then blame everyone except themselves.


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