I spoke with the  US Department of Education yesterday. It seems that if an agency is representing a thing, they must provide it. Ie, any school claiming to be a "Commercial Diving SCHOOL, ACADEMY, INSTITUTE, Training Center must graduate their students as DIVERS or change the name of it's program,as it is against Federal Law to represent a product and sell the customer something less than what they paid for.

 We must be operating for 2 years before we can open enrollment to GI Bill or Basic Military benefits unless we can obtain a congressional wavier (this means if you want to go thru our Mil Vet Diving Program, you need to submit a letter to your congressmen and women Demanding your right to be completely trained instead of partially trained be protected and enforced.

However we are still allowed to offer the diver course to Chapter 31 VA Voc Rehab (Disabled Vets who's disabilities do not endanger their safety) and VRAP (we are still investigating this program).

Therefore we will begin accepting applications for the" Vet Tender and Deck Operations" ( which is what you  are actually paying for  at ALL A.D.C.I. Commercial Diving Schools anyway),  this week. Our Diving Course will be put on a 30 day delay or until we receive VA approval to start it. If we can find 16 vets willing to pay their own way through, we can begin with out delay.The Diver Course is $16000.00   + any personal choice expenses (meals and choice of lodging.

We will begin the program as soon as our license arrives from the state. The course cost is set at $5000.00 per student, 8 - 10 weeks in duration and cover the ANSI Minimun Commercial Diving Standard represented as the commercial divers course.  Stop listening to BS and read the ANSI standard, no one has ever graduated with a diver card in their hands. Tending for 2 years after spending $20k to dive is like trading in a Vette for a tricycle and agreeing to continue paying for the Vette. Its illegal, immoral, and extremely disgraceful to Military Vets who have bled for less.  

256-553-0420 Questions (especially from parents) are always welcome. Childish comments are not.

I have this discussion closed simply because has beens like Mr McNill and his  ADCI buddies like all other losers cannot succeed in their own endeavors and atttempt to discredit anyone attempting to better our craft. Questions, call me you will get straight answers and the locations to verify anything I print.

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