National Association of Working Divers (NAWD) Join us its free.

Sorry its been so long since Ive been up , for those of you who know me, YES, I started this Group on Linkedin  ( copy and paste it in your browser. Its kind of a registry so that I can send info out to everyone at once. This C.F.R. debate is not only going on here. Divers in other countries are wondering why a US based Trade Association would try to establish a presence in other countries. DIvers every where are feeling the knee knockers where ever the ADC fly's its flag in the name of Diver safery (the first thing that happens is wages go out the door)I Just read the "Presidents page " in Underwater this month. you would all get a laugh, he says that we DONT GET IT - Now hear this, we do get it. and we do not like it. We as a group need to protect our industry before big business finishes it off. If we sit on our buts, The chinese will be diving her next year, and there will not be any American divers left. Get it I pray you do. "Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely........

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Guy’s, check out the results in Europe/UK when getting organized in the forum.

If required: get in contact with the Unions in the UK for advice, they will be certainly helping you getting into the right tracks.

If this is not convincing… then stop complaining and just continue playing the subsea whores.

And you say this because????? USMC 83 - 89 PDOA 1989-1994...... Semper Fi Flynn
The only fool Shaun, is the fool who allows a group of businesses to speak for him and remain un counted. Our craft has seen too many changes for the worse for us to keep allowing a group of profiteers continue to profit from our blood using safety as the lock to seal the door.

After 24 years, I'm the oldest tender in this business with more water time than most 30 something supervisors!

Won't play pirate games. With anyone have a great year Jar Head!

This is one of those cases where I remeber when I was young and my dad gave me some of the best advice ever. He said

"Son, never miss a good opportunity to shut up"

And so with dear pappys voice ringing in my ear Im gonna sit this forum out and keep the ol head down :)



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