I am looking to move to Singapoure. Does anybody know about diving work in Singapoure, diving companies, wages....?
7 years of inshore and offshore experiences.
IMCA part 1 / HSE part 1 / until 60 meters/ medic diver technician
Wouldn't hurt to have a look at IMCA & ADC int'l. websites under member diving contractors. There is a ton even if you google offshore diving contractors SE Asia. Just googling should keep ya busy for a few days.
It is a bit slow at the moment but it should be picking up in the next few months. It's the monsoon season in parts of Asia now, so work slows down a bit. Most of the divers who work in Asia live in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia etc and look for work from there. Since its a lot cheaper there compared to staying in Singapore. Pay is from about 250 to 350 US a day, depending who you work for. Will get a bit more with a DMT ticket.
Happy new year Mike i'm french diver as you know the diving industrie starded in France in the 60'S whith a great french Companie COMEX based in Marseille.
Don't drink too much to night and have a busy year