Looking for a set of new steel/composite toe bottom boots.

But not really having that much luck. I have had the ones that we got in school way back in the day and thank god the rookie left them on the back of the vessel to fall off. Gives me a reason to find and buy some more. Problem is, I'm not finding many. Anyone got any suggestions?

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Morse diving accessories or Divex mk 2 divers boots
Divers supply Inc. LA. I bought a pair last year online.

Any industrial safety supply company can provide them.
give one a call.
Fred is right. Half the price at any safety gear shop. Sorry Robbie, but you charge to much for these.
any industrial supply store in particular?
Look pal you have a computor, look under industrial supply company,your area code.
simple as that.
For $29.95 EU I will send you a plaster of paris copy of my hand to hold while you open the phone book with the other.
Dang it Fred, your are cutting my prices too much. I usually charge $75.00 but mine is epoxy which lasts longer than plaster of paris but not as cheap to make.
I assume he has a low attention span so he will drop my hand and it will shatter.
then he has to buy another one now Im into him for $59.90, looks like a steady income to me.
If it was epoxy he would think what the hell is that on the floor and toss it out the door and there go's another good hand out the door so to speak.
Oh, I'm sorry. was that a cheap and half assed attempt at some sort of humor on my part? Sorry my humor must have been fallen off the boat with the boots. And no, unfortunately I will not be buying a plaster cast of your hand for any form of currency but I will tell you what it is YOU CAN do with it and it won't cost anyone any money.

If by chance you do ever sell one of your "plaster hands" maybe you should look into investing into a dictionary. Better yet pal, you have a computer, get yourself a spell check.
At least you have a since of humor.
That's a fact.Thank you for recognizing.
Don't let the little things get to you Corey, and no Fred I'm not calling you little-can't be done. , but if you want the primo big time boots, morse , divex etc. will sell you "special" divers boots, for climbing over platforms u/w go to nearest industrial,fishermans,farm supply and get you some big assed boots that will fit over your booties.


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