I have been working for a Italian Comp in Saudi Arabia the last 2 months,  and did not get paid on time, and still after one month of being home,  have not yet been paid at all....... just been paid the first month, but all the divers had to stand together to get it. The bad thing is, that this company is a european company. Of all my years in the industry I have not yet experience this. Is in the game for 15years.... Have this happened to anyone else?

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ya better get use to it
So Nick if you had a group to represent you/divers you and all commercial divers in this situation would be better off.
With the economy so bad right now and some jippo dive and construction companies doing this to us (yes me too) it really shows the need to have group representation power and representation to get paid what we are worth and paid for our work in a timely manner.
Again poor corporate managent screwing divers. Yes there are good companies too but the bad ones need to be exposed.
Bye the way Nick thanks for standing up and reminding us all that not all companies are our friends. It takes real big balls to tell the World that you got taken advantage of, a mis deed to one is a misdeed to all.
Blacklist the company.sounds like they took work to cheep and could not finance the cost of the job and there client has not paid them a progress payment.
Or there just A-h***s.


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