I still only get a blank page when I click on the "jobs" link.  Is this because there are no jobs out there, or is there a problem with the link?  I have tried using Internet Explorer 8 and Google Chrome....nothing -  not even an error message, just a blank white page.

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What do you think that might suggest?

A. They have given up on the website?

B. There are too many new wanta bees vs actual jobs available?

C. This could be a good time to join the Navy and become a Navy Diver?

D. This might be a good time to join a trade union to add hands on skills to diving?

E. Good time to go to a marina and become a hull scrubber?

f. Wonder why a few Dive schools are now starting to not take any more student applications for trainning?


Seriously Cindy this is very difficult field to make it in as its real spendy for schooling, equipment and for the most part only offers seasonal work when it's available.  In todays labor market from what I have been able to see theres way too many competing for what jobs that are available. I realise that wont help your son or anyone else reading this but perhaps it will add a little insight. Recently I visited a dive school the other day and they have approximately 100 new students presently being trainned to enter the same job market all with the same dream of becomming a commercial divers. Not impossiable just real hard to make it pencil out but that dosen't mean you have to give up.

School debt about a week ago my dive mates and I went dining out and were met by a young woman who was serving us at this restraunt and in conversation She told us that She actually had a School debt of $116,000 and that was from a Art school in New York-how would a person ever make that pencil out ???

Timeing seems to be everything and for those of us who have been in this field a long time just know we too have seen many ups and downs in this job market. As an ol pal once said "I can rember when the job market was so tight that you could't even buy a job tending" quite a statement it has kinda stuck with me so thought I would pass it along.

Just know your not alone so good luck in your quest don't give up.


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