
ULIS is a French/Morrocan company working out of Casablanca who's doing a couple of big jobs in the harbour of Tangiers, Morocco. They are always looking for divers and other personell. They don't pay offshore or rates you are accustomed to back home, but it's a job and it pays. Pay can be compared with civils-pay (it's also a civils job). Up to 200 euros/day (taxfree :), accomodation and bbq's included. Work is 6 days a week doing 12hr days. Day off is not payed. The job includes inspections, welding anodes and other basic harbour-build jobs. Some jobs are done on scuba. Viz is good and if you like Arab food... Hamdullah, you in for a treat!
I know, some might think... Scuba no way and 200 euros is a disgrace and safety in Morocco is non existant. Well, all true but I had a few friends who went there and they are not complaining at all. Tangiers is a beautifull city (in some parts), most time your on st/by and getting a tan. If you're interested and bored here are a few details;


Hang in there...


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