If the site below is referred to in all ADCI material and consences doc**entation.....

Why are we allowing a civilian "Oilfield Walmart" to tell us weather or not we old decrepid divers are still qualified to guide tenders like we used to or not?

Every doc**ent on this site is "tapped" by the ADCI, in the concenses, your TAX Dollars paid for the research and development of the tables you dive and the equipment you currently use. Why is there a middle man still telling us which way to walk and how to talk? This is not a myth it is a fact. Mc Donalds, Burger King, and the Alaskan Crab Fishermen follow the OSHA regs, we are bound by our craft to follow them. We were paid better before the ADC and our families never worried when we left home about paying the bills. 

I will one way or another with Gods Guidance get the first NON ADC related School open by next year if I have to have cla**** in my living room and test my students in my bath tub. Any one with ideas or guidance e-mail me or if you have my number call.

This page covers every aspect of currently practiced dive operations, why are we paying twice?


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