
  Not to judge or bash here but I have notice that a lot of the job offerings that you post involve going thru a employment agent (Head hunters as I call them). Could you inlighten us on the pro's and con of using this sort of service? I've had several offers to go back to work over seas but looking at all options,any in-site would be greatly apperciated




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There are several agencies (head hunter services) on the market. The diving contractors only use them when they are unable to get the personnel they require which are usually supervisor grades, diving technicians and some divers with specialized qualifications.

Most companies I know will only use agencies when they are short staffed as the companies will normally have a core crew they will give priority to work wise.

Usually the diving contractor will pay the wages of the worker (diver etc) with the agency taking a finder’s fee. Some are employed by the agency direct in this case they then they will pay the wages to the worker. I’ve never needed to work through an agency but met a few who have and they to date have had no problems.
No harm in trying them if it secures you work.


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