hi.. I'm doing a research about diving schools. Looking at Profesional Diving Academy, Underwater Center Tasmania or UK, Underwater center Fremantle & Commercial Diving Academy. so i'm looking for divers who had just graduated from schools listed above to hear their views. Positive n negative feedbacks wil be gladly taken into consideration. My apologies if this thread kind of repeating over & over again..

Thank u..

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I am a former PDA student. Can't really give views on the other schools cuz I never went there. The reason I chose PDA was because they supply you with your own drysuit and wet gear and above that it was still cheaper than Fort William (underw. center) where you didn't get your own kit (at that time... don't know how it is now)
Positive remarks about the PDA; nice atmosphere, experienced teachers (civils, offshore, sat, navy...), well organized, boatlicence (RYA powerboat lev. 2), various divespots, MV Sleath (big carferry transformed into a divingvessel for sole purpose of teaching students), teachers have a no b******* approach

Negative remarks about the PDA; although the course was very intense (which was good), switching from classroom to site continuosly. I would've been happier with more hands-on tool experience or a bit of riggin experience. In my course we only touched a hydraulic chainsaw, a hullscrubber and an airlift. Nowadays, they sell these tools-courses on top of the Part 1 course. They're probalby right in doing so... after all the school is a bussiness too and these people gotta eat too ;)


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