Dive Safety Sub Committee Recommendation to Coast Guard NOSAC

National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee (NOSAC)

Final Report


Approved by U.S. Coast Guard and a Subcommittee formed by NOSAC

On June 25, 2013

Evaluate current state of Offshore Commercial Diving operations, advances in technology and recent Commercial Diving casualties and develop recommendations to the U.S. Coast Guard to improve Commercial Diving Operational Safety on the OCS. NOSAC is to review current Coast Guard Diving Regulations and Policy and compare with technological and operational advances in Diving associated with the offshore industry to a****s relevance and future direction and improvements in Coast Guard oversight.

Technological advances have made oil exploration and production in previously inaccessible locations a reality. As the search for oil has moved further offshore and into deeper water new and unique challenges have been encountered. As an example mobile offshore drilling units that used to anchor when drilling in shallow water now use Dynamic Positioning Systems to maintain station in deeper water. Diver services have been an integral part of this expansion and the diving industry has adapted as well.

Current Commercial Diving, CFR 46 Part 197 is not consistent and current with Industry Best Practices.

A Subcommittee was formed with the appointment of four (4) Co-Chairs, two (2) from NOSAC, and two (2) from the Public. There were over forty (40) members from the diving community or who work in a related industry position reviewing the current CFRs and practices. 

After reviewing the Task Statement and CFR 46 Part 197, it was determined that the CFR’s were two numerous and needed to be prioritize and broken out into multiple phases. Ten (10) sections were chosen to be addressed in Phase I, of which these groups were given the task to review in their respective areas for additions, changes, deletions, or adoption to update the CFRs to reflect the industry’s current practices. The focus groups met in regularly scheduled meeting beginning in August 2013. The recommendations reflect changes due to regulation to increase overall safety of the diving industry. The following Focus Groups were established: 
· Availability of Standards
· DP Vessel Diving
· Diver Competency / Certifications
· Equipment: Hot Water Systems
· Hyperbaric Evacuation Systems
· Live Boating Including Manning Requirements
· Manning Levels
· Maximum Depths
· Reserve Gas Supply 
· Specific Diving Mode Procedures

Focus Group Findings & Recommendations Down Load here

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