Can anyone help me with info on becoming a Dive medical technician (DMT)?
What's the availability of DMT positions like? a lot of jobs, not much jobs, what?
and what is the salary range like? i've been searching online a lot and all i can get are the occasional ads for courses. no real career information.
any help would be really appreciated...

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thanks for all the info people! it's been pretty helpful.
i'm actually a restricted commercial diver already. the certification is with DCBC (Diver Certification Board of Canada). And right now i'm in the process of getting my cert. for Hyperbaric chamber operator.
I've been diving for just over a year... so right now i'm just weighing my career options...

i'll keep you guys posted.
I am not so sure all the information regarding EMT/DMt course offerings are correct in the posts on this thread. I can tell you that CDA in Florida is a State licensed facility for EMT training and an NBDHMT accredited training site for both DMT and CHT. CDA runs an EMT/DMT program every 4 weeks- 250/hr EMT training that qualifies you to sit for the Florida and National registry EMT exam and a 40/hr Module 16 DMT program that fufullis the 2010 requirements for advanced procedures. With your DCBC certification you can attend an 80/hr IMCA DMT program if you are not lokking to work in the GOM. The GOM will require the EMT certification.
Thank god I did my DMT cert in South Africa.. only cost me 1k :)


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