Setting a Guillotine saw underwater without chopping off your fingers, cutting off your air hose and ruining the saw and getting run off. Your discussion advise starts now.

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I have several sujestions but most importatly is hose management Al Bennet and I did the very first job using saw zilla (can cut over 72" Dia) we cut a 54" horizonail and needless to say it got some new names that the reps where not fond of!!
Chuck do tell us more as it has all the makings for a good lesson and story.
Yes...please do. I'm very interested to hear
Is Al Bennet still around ? I have not heard that name in years
Yep he sure is just talked to him the other day Hes doing good and up north where that white stuff falls from above Also talked to Bob Vendeto a few weeks back hes doing OK but has been having some health issues
Ace have you been talking to Marty????!!!!! Im just not sure if I should tell the story(Learning experiance) as its to embarissing but have a lot of exper.. in setting the saw LOL
Ok Chuck I'll ask him off the World Web the next I speak to him. I got it.
Come on Ace Im not that ashamed so here goes AND THERE I WAS at bone crushing depth of 2' fsw 10' bml in alligator infested water along with a duct tape mongaral (Al Bennet) scared to death I left surface to set the saw. Though it was an easy task one thing top side kept telling me was watch your dive hose after several hours of restling sawzilla I finialy got the saw set and was ready to start making the cut. Top side told me to insure that my dive hose and all body parts were clear, in which I asured them everthing was good to go and began the cut. After getting half way through the casson The saw binded up Asking for slack I found it apperant that I was fouled during my investigation I noted something that just could not be a rooky misetake that to this day Ill never live down!!!! while setting the saw and being complacent I had clamp my hose inside the chain of the saw in which caused me to derig the SOB defoul my self and latter that day reset the bastard and begin a new cut............. lesson learnd
#4 Listen to others!!!!!

THIS IS A TRUE STORY Not a one day at band camp deal!!!!
Yea Chuck hose management, hose management, hose management. Why only last year somewhere in the middle of the night out in the Gulf in about 25 or 35' of cold dirty water I a crusty ol deep-sea diver met my match as well in a somewhat similar situation jetting down a pipeline. Everything seemed like it was going just find and then "AW S*** I cant even believe my eyes and what I am seeing " how the hell ! Man! yep it can happen to even the best of us. So when you hand jetting down a line be sure to really have a really good hose check and often because just getting hose may work and give you a warm and fuzzy feeling but what is that hose you cant see really doing. Perhaps its candy caning around the pipe and giving you a real F story to deal with. I had heard stories for many years of divers hoses getting hopelessly fouled up now it was my time, oh boy! Big Wow That it sure gave me lots to think about.
Chuck thanks for your man-uping and sharing that with us. Lessons to be learned so Ethan thats only two of the many reasons we say listen with your ears after all the life you save just might be your own. Damn its nice to be here today.
Just re read this and somehow it got lost in writing on this computer the hero here was Fast Little Eddy for rescuing and jetting me out from all of that "I cant thank you enough Eddie your the man" no good deed goes unnoticed.
Come one Mike maybe some of the young ones could learn from our past!!!


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