The Commercial Diver Network
A real man does what’s right no matter who is looking, everybody or nobody! When a real man screws up he admits it, then goes about trying to make it right. You will note that all you have to do is change the word man to woman in the above definition and you have the definition for: A Real Woman.
The point: The 28 year old man who walked in on another man RAPING a 10 year old child and did not stop it.
We have become a nation of the politically correct; looks good; don’t rock the boat; nothing to do with me; people. Where does the fault lay? WITH SELF; If you are not a REAL Man or Woman, you are not demanding much of yourself, your friends, your fellow workers, your spiritual leaders or your damn government.
If you want to make a difference pick one thing that you know is screwed up with yourself and get to work on it. Don’t except less from your loved ones, your friends or those that you work with, quit accepting: Looks good; don’t rock the boat; nothing to do with me!
Manor Woman up and make a difference!!
Yah I’m human but those that know me know I’m working on it! My Attached Petition is part of what I'm working on and most of those that run and govern my business don't like it. Screw’em I’m rolling Crap uphill, give me a hand and sign it!
The Dead Diver in the OAHA Report that should have been done by the Coast Guard
was an Englishman. (see We have divers from all over the world working here so don’t give me this: It is a U.S. Issue. It is a damn worldwide issue for people who breathe underwater. We all work in each other’s pond!
That 28 year old Penn State milk toast should have had his head stuffed up his ass for not stopping the Rape.
A real man would have beat the s*** out of the Big shot coach who was raping the kid , then called the cops to pick up what was left on the deck. Protect Children they are our future , this poor kid is marked for life.
And the rest of those ass h***s at Penn State should have there ass kicked down the road.
As long as we on the bottom buy all the "politically correct; looks good; don’t rock the boat; nothing to do with me" BS and play the game we will keep going down hill. The so called leaders can only lead us if we follow. The reason so many people don't do the right thing is: IT IS EASIER!
The problem with always taking the easy way out is it makes you EASY!!
We are the 99%.
Your right so what we need to do is clean up our part of this mess which is the Commercial Diving Business!
© 2025 Created by Adam Broetje.
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