What I’m posting here is not directed at the good guys: It is directed at the Supervisors that don’t supervise but have some diver or tender in the chair running the dive. The Divers that don’t rock the boat but go along to get along and the tenders who don’t tend.

Yes there is change in the wind but until that happens it is up to us and us alone. By law Coast Guard and OSHA CFRs the only person responsible for anything is the Dive Supervisor; not the project manager, not the company man, not your company but you!! I posted what’s below over four years ago Read it and take it to heart!.

“All the IMCA Guide Lines and ADC Consensus Standards are approved by Lawyers so they can have a way out when they are not followed. They have NO force in a Court of LAW. If you are a Diving Supervise get a F-ing Nut Sack because my friend it is on your shoulders. Be ready to tell your company, Dive Superintended, Project Manager, your wife, your Mom and God “NO” loud and clear when any of them want you to run an UN-SAFE Dive. You are the one that is Morally and Legally Responsible. This is not a war, it’s not Mom Apple Pie and Fourth of July! We are working for very large and wealthy Oil Companies, to get a job done.”

Divers if you are diving for a Supervisor that DOES NOT do his job, DO NOT DIVE! If the company you’re working for will run you off for that YOU ARE WORKING AT THE WRONG COMPANY. Think it out, better hungry then dead! Start demanding a little more professionalism out of yourself and your fellow divers!

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Great post! It is fact that there are a lot of companies out there that have s*** for brain Supervisors.
The same, diving Supervisor is the one who will be charged if something goes wrong on a job, because s*** roll's down hill
If I might add a note to the contractors on this subject. Do not let the fact that IMCA Guidelines or the ADCI Consensus make the Dive Supervisor the responsible party lull you into a false sense of security.

While the Supervisor is responsible for the dive. Bare in mind that you the contractor are responsible for ensuring that the person YOU hired as a dive supervisor has all the necessary credentials, experience and knowledge to safely and properly conduct
the dive operation. A lawsuit brought for negligence and wrongful death will not stop with the diver supervisor.
At the BOTTOM!



Here is why: "From the beginning the ADCI has been the only group talking with the Coast Guard and the Department of Labor as to what the CFRs, the minimum rules we work by should be, that is no longer the case.  Many are now involved, to include the OGP, Divers, Dive Supervisors, Lawyers and Unions. I am only sorry the ADCI Board of Directors has chosen the path they took. They have put themselves forward as the voice for safety and to my mind, not done the job.  We have lost a lot of divers and still see no safety flashes or lessoned learned. That would be STEP 1."

I believe the Coast Guard is tired of the ADCI BS. You can read the rest at the URL.



very true bru.


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