Hi all ,

I am hoping someone might have some information on this.  I am currently

trying to track down a CWB underwater courses in the near future.


If anyone knows of one going on shortly , I would greatly appreciate it !!



Thanks again - Dive Safe



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will definately try to give some info but first let me know whats this CWB stands for and what is this?
cheers Ace ;)
see below as to what it stands for , its a Canadian Welding ticket more or less.
hope is going well out in your neck of the woods.
CWB - Canadian Welding Board

The govern and accredit divers and surface welding certificates for certain positions met -
via inspection tests.
hey Evan. I dont think there is a CWB test for underwater welding. CWB is for structural all position or individual position welding. As far as I know CWB dosnt deal in the wet.

One thing you can look into is Hydroweld runs a 2 week course in Thailand which gets you practicing underwater and then eventually at the end you get tested (like a CWB) and that Certifies you under Lloyds. Now what I dont know and thats something your gonna have to either find out from someone else on this site or call and ask them is.
1. If that only certifies you to work on Lloyds registered vessels or platforms (which shouldnt be a big deal because Llyods is massive)
2. If that only certifies you weld using hydroweld products.

But yeah check out the Hydroweld site and down the left side you will see training and certification and then start doing a bit of reserch into it and you should find some answers.

If you want too you can just outright call CWB and ask if they have any info on CWB wet weld certification.
Sounds like great information Will , thanks alot for this. I will call CWB , as an old instructor of mine said the is a guy from Halifax, NS , who in fact inspects welds from being performed in the wet and allows you to be certified from them in doing so. The name is Jeremy Read (hope that is the correct spelling) none the less I will look into the other as well.
Thanks for the feedback everyone and I will post tomorrow as soon as I have confirmation from CWB , in case anyone else is interested in this prospect.
sorry the gentleman is Jim Reid , head of Atlantic Operations.
Hey Evan,
Could you do me a favour and let me know what you find out from them ? Im kinda curious cuase I might just look into gettin my CWB tested as well. But yeah man if you could just let me know what you find out that would be solid! Cheers
Hey Will ,
still awaiting a reply from Jim , but will post asap for your knowledge.
your a good man evan, I dont care what anyone says ;) lol
Cheers mate


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