California Union..... HOW DO I GET IN WITH THE UNION!!!!! is it worth it

I'm about to graduate Commercial Diving Academy. Want to work in Cali!!!! How's the job market, how can I get in with the Union.... Please reply to.

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Phone them......
First become an apprentice and pay you dues in a trade. Just being diving certified is not enough to stay employed all the time. Way too many show up thinking that a diving diploma will keep them employed-you need a trade to go along with that diploma.
Even if your lucky enough to get into a union its not a end all be all. How is the employment picture well look around where you are and see how many people you see out of work. In California its like that too only worse-go figure. One other thing in case it hasn't donned on you there are already others ahead of you who have had the same idea and are now filling those positions. Step one learn a trade and pay your dues in life. Good luck.
You can join the Pile Drivers union as an apprentice. The union will credit you with dive school time and you will join as a third period apprentice.
The apprentice training is to become a journeyman pile driver man. so you learn all the top side work.
Right now you are just a bubble blower and dive outfits do not pay you to blow bubbles.
Learn to weld and obtain 6G pipe certification.
contact: Pile Drivers Local 2375 - 310-830-5300 for Southern California.
Pile Drivers Local 34 - 510-635-4227 for Northern California
Work on the West Coast is slow but outfits are always interested in guys with talent in the construction trades. Remember Divers are constructors that go underwater.
Howdy Mr J! How are things at the school?
Phil, all is good at Chino, Rubin joind the union and is working for a union diving contractor @ $34.00 hr. in Long Beach. His welding skills and persistance paid off.
Hey bro if your going to So. Cali try Parker Diving/SubSea Solutions , American Diving, they are in Long Beach , Or in San Diego C&W Marine. Work is slow.....! The Pile Drivers/Divers hall is in Wilmington CA, Thats the hall for the Long Beach, L.A. area Good luck!
Contact Underwater Resources Pier 26, San Francisco, they are a union dive outfit.


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