Bob Rieche: The Icing On our Coast Guard NOSAC Presentations

As a Diver and Supervisor I want to thank Bob Rieche another diver and supervisor for standing up at the Coast Guard NOSAC and speaking from the heart. Bob, like many of us is sick of things as they are.

He went into his Union Hall cornered his Union Rep. not a diver himself and got him to travel to New Orleans for the NOSAC meeting. He came with no prepared notes he just wanted to let someone know how bad thing really are. Bob is blessed with a Union Rep. Brian McLaughlin of The New York City District Of Carpenters, that cares about diver safety.

I am just going to summarize his points and what he used to make them.

1. Make clear, simple, not full of loop h***s regulation and enforce them. Bob’s term Barroom Rules, in plain English: No spiting on the floor.

2. One set of rules, not three (OSHA, Coast Guard & Corps of Engineers) that the customer can pick and choose from. Bob will no longer Supervise because uneducated customers will always pick the OHSA/ADCI three man dive team.

Bob dives because his ego, like mine: Tells him he can get his ass out of there if things go bad. I know a lot of good divers that will not Supervise just for the reason Bob put forth. I prefear to dive myself! I was setting back and watching the 24 members of the NOSAC, as Bob spoke to them: He had their attention and they got the point. His Union Rep. Being there speaks for itself. I know Bob to be an experienced Diver and Supervisor havging worked both the GOM and Inland; so what he says carries weight!

Out Coast Guard Liaison will be posting the site where everyone can down load all testimony as given and be notified when the new CFRs are posted for comment. That information will go up in our Safety Ideas and Concerns Forum.                       

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