Bluestream Group NL

Whats happening out in India on the Tosia Paladin?

There is news in the press in Holland about fininacial problems? is down so i post here see if anyone who is working on board has any information closer to the source.

Was there any issues why there were not diving all the Time when out India?

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Bluestream lost the Paladin . It is still in India being crewed by Indians . Appently last week the also lost the Northern River there air ship . The end is near .
I heard on another website and from a guy I know that the diving division has gone to the wall and guys are owed money. One guy has told how he was told by Horrocks (w****r) that he (Horrocks) "didn't have to explain myself to you", when the guy was trying to get his money!
Typical. Look how MH was when he worked for Technip!
I6 divers plus supervisors on the Nothern River are owed for their last hitch .As are all the techs , ocm and others that were on the Paladin when it went . On top of all that the entire office staff was told by Horrocks that they would not be paid . I would bet he got his check .
It is amazing to see what a handfully of wankers can do to a company !!!


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