Hi Everyone:


It tears me up to have to post this but I was contacted by Laurie Gardner (Bill's sister) last night.  Bill passed away in August from a heart attack.  I am posting this, with her permission, so that all his friends here know what has ocurred.  I've also asked for a copy of the obituary and will post it, and any other information, when I get it.


Rest in peace Bill.  You were a wealth of knowledge and gave freely of that knowledge. Our conversations will be sorely missed.



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Sincere condolences to the Family. May his good advice, thoughts and opinions guide us in our profession. Farewell Bill may you rest in peace.
I knew he wasn't well. but Bill never got into what it was. Thanks for the help this last year Bill, you will be missed...From our family to yours our prayers are with you.
bill i never knew u
but bro R.I.P


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