hey there. i want to get into  this field badly!!  i am torn. i am 25 , fit and suited for cold, wet , hard ass labor! i am in the process of having uncle sam pay for my diveschool, full ride. good deal right? sure. but i am hearing about all this lack of work. i want to be in this field but what positions are most marketable right now?  i can take any course i choose. so help me out.  what do you think about hyperbaric medicine.   tell me what you think of  becoming a scuba intructor and doing that for resorts cruise ships , hull cleaning etc. it seems like it might be a better choice, at least financially for the momen with this economy. let me know what you think. time is ticking and i need to get on that paper chase!!! thanks!!!!

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Review the Helmets to Hardhats Program - You will be paid during training NOT You pay a "School".

You would be in a "Trade Union" with Excellent Wages, Benefits and Training at NO COST to YOU.

See URL:

thanks man i will consider that but i want to work in the water you know? i have been freediving my wh*** life, surfing, boating, etc. i am cut out to be in the water, it what i love! i am starting an account with that program.i am game for maritime work as well. tell me what you think of dive instructing. thomas.
damn, seems like a huge benefit for vets. wish something like this was around when i got out.
tom, best thing i can suggest besides the helmet to hardhat program, is use your GI bill and go to dive school. there is always a seasonal lack of work in the winter, and other things like the economy and oil spills slow it down as well. but no matter what, if you want to be a construction diver, do it.
Tom, besides wanting to be a diver what do you bring to the table? in other words what do you know how to do ? Are you a certified welder, Carpenter, electrician, plumber, mechanic ? If you want to be a top hand you are going to need to have those skill plus.
Diving is the transportation to get to the job site its what you do when you get there that there paying you for.
I started diving at 16 with the toughest old bastards on the West Coast, there was no bull s***, just back breaking work every minute of the day. thay made me stay in school and graduate with a degree in Business, also had to go through an apprenticeship, when all that was sead and done. Two years after full time dive work I owned the business.
Go to school it will pay off in Ace's later on , there is no such thing as too much education, it will open doors. believe me. take a look at the success of Scuba Instrutors, that is something you can do and go to school at the same time. meet lots of women in that one. Not tough old bastards like myself yelling at you to quit F-ing of and get to work. You must look at the big picture, not instant gratification. If you want that put on a scuba mask and jack off.
Be all you can be re-enlist and be a Army diver get the trainning, background and re rnlistment bonus you wont be sorry. Stay employed and get paid too.
Thats good advice kid, take it.
i have ten years of electrical experience. commercial, residential , industrial. my stepfather is an electrical contractor. As for joining the army again. HELL NO!!!! sorry man i was an infantry platoon medic. i have PTSD and im am 70 % service connected disability. . i dont think i could get back in if i tried! i am mechanicly inclined. man work on motors of all types. thats what i can bring. what you think???
VA VOC Rehab, 100% school housing, and transport, & Gear. Uncle Sam paid the bill for the 37 in my photo sec on my page. My kid thinks he owns it . I did my time in the ditch, Uncle sam is finally paying back. Just did it, email me for details.
Screw the market right now, if you want it go for it - don't judge now against six months from now. Its a life style bro it goes up and sown with the tide. Just like any other craft. Get school out of the way and deal with the market when your ready to Graduate>!!!
Before i started diving I was a cook, knew nothing about construction, electrical crap, welding, mechanics. If you want it bad you can have it, I have been diving 10 years, made 1st class diver after about 1 year of breaking out. Don't let some washed up "divers" tell you what you can and can't do.
hahahahaha tell it like it is nick......most working divers aren't sitting front of computers b****ing about no work.....they are working!
actually I am sitting behind a computer in Mobile, doing work for the oilspill, managing a dock.


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