steve thanks for the info. coast guard demands bio oils. im goin to look up ss fittings-not sure what they are?
The noise from the engine wont bother me- i will be underwater. ha ha - the people around the unit might not like it- we will see
so any suggestions on where to get some cheap brushes for my unit? what pads do u use to polish props? I was thinking of using a 3m clean and strip disc instead of the $160 3m marine cleaning disc
If anybody on this site can give me info- please post!
sean sorry been away, hope you are up and running getting in the $$$$.
had a strange year to date cannot wait fo it to be over and start fresh in the new year.
we use umc pads they do 3 grades and polishes to a stunning finish. glad u sorted what S/S is. i tried to sort my honda noise and no its not having any of it. ref brushes thats going to hurt either way or anyway you go at it, as youhave no doubt found out.