Yes, Open Source*...........Just like open source software and or open source hardware.With several thousand people on this board and the availability of design software{such as Alias, Solidworks, Inventor and others] for modeling.With online Stereolithography{SLA] and CNC services anything is possible to manufacturer.As a group we can work better, faster and much more efficiently than any ONE Company will ever.This has be proven in the computer industry many time.Your Comments?Joseph ~ ⎷⎛⎝⎛Part of the Definition{from Wikipedia] of OPEN SOURCE
*Open source hardware is hardware that is designed and offered in the same manner as
free and open source software (FOSS). Open source hardware is part of the
source culture" class="mw-redirect"">open source culture and applies the open source concept to hardware. The term usually means that
information about the hardware is open to all. This would include the hardware design (
materials"">bill of materials and
circuit board"">PCB layout data),
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