ADCI Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations, 6th Ed

Do not waste time putting your comments here, On the Underwater Magazine site. If the ADC submits this package as an industry standard, we are all screwed!


send yur comments Directly to the USCG e-mails I gave you guys earlier. THe "Package" theADC intends to submit, is equal to ONE "Comment" send your individual comments on each section to the Coast Guard Reg Board so that they each count as One Comment. THe only way you win gang is to send e-mails your self. On all topics from education to Vessel size it does not matter. Where ever the "Consensus " hits yur specifc Field of expertise, dig in make notes and e-mail Cmdr Clark and Mr. Mannion with yur concerns and (very improtant ) yur recommendations to solve the problem. Individual Experience speaks louder than an association agreement that has many flaws.



Ive been on the phone with alot of companies lately who do not recognise the ADC Red Book, and will only abide by the Coast Guard and OSHA standards "Hats off to all of them"!!!!

When we work with the mom and Pop outfits instead of against them we make visable progress.the looser we get the ropes, the more things will improve in our favor.

I'd rathere work on a run down "safe" Barge where my boss listens, and make a little cash than a fancy DPV who's ready to beach me just because the team is short handed and its not safe and I quote CG regs not ADC policy.

Dive safe come home the way you, fair winds brothers and sisters!


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