The pledge came as BP faced mounting pressure to check the massive oil leak, after the US government threatened to take over the response to the month-old disaster. --

LONDON - OIL giant BP pledged on Monday up to US$500 million (S$703 million) to study the impact of the Deepwater Horizon rig spill on the Gulf of Mexico environment.

The pledge came as BP faced mounting pressure to check the massive oil leak, after the US government threatened to take over the response to the month-old disaster. A 10-year research programme would
study topics including how oil and the chemicals used to disperse it
were affected by ocean currents, and how they were dispersed in the sea
and on shore.

'BP has made a commitment to doing everything we can to lessen the impact of this tragic incident on the people and environment of the Gulf Coast,' BP chief executive Tony Hayward said in a statement.
'We must make every effort to understand that impact. This will be a
key part of the process of restoration, and for improving the industry
response capability for the future,' he added.

And he said: 'There is an urgent need to ensure that the scientific community has access to the samples and the raw data it needs to begin this work.'

The research programme would also examine how accidental oil spills compare to natural seepage from the seabed, whether chemicals used to disperse the oil helped or hindered biodegradation, and what can
be done improve technology.

The BP-leased Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, killing 11 workers, and sank two days later. Ever since, hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil, perhaps even millions, have spewed each day
into the sea, threatening marine and shore-based wildlife, fishing
industries and tourism. -- AFP

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